Welcome to Shasta Lake's General Plan Update!
The City of Shasta Lake is working on a comprehensive update to its General Plan for the first time in almost 20 years. We are excited to make the update process open and accessible to anyone who wants to be involved and share ideas. The General Plan Update will help shape the next 20 years of Shasta Lakes’s growth and change. The outcome of the update will have a real impact on the quality of life in the City. Some of the questions we will be addressing include:
Where should certain types of development occur?
How can the City enhance public services and infrastructure?
Where should new residential and commercial development be located?
How do we create a downtown core with vibrant street life?
Explore this website to learn more about the project and ways to get involved.
Project Contacts
City of Shasta Lake
Jessaca Lugo
Consultant Team
Ethan Mobley