Outreach and Meetings
EIR Scoping Meeting
- Monday, August 9, 2021 / 6:00 PM - 7:30 PM
- View Meeting Recording
- Location:
- Shasta Lake Community Center
- 4477 Main Street, Shasta Lake
- Virtual Option:
- Zoom Link
- Meeting ID: 858 2889 7962
- Passcode: ShastaLake
- Dial-in: +1 669 900 6833 (Meeting ID: 858 2889 7962)
The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) requires state and local agencies to identify, avoid, and mitigate potential negative environmental impacts associated with activities categorized as "projects" , which includes this General Plan Update.
The General Plan Update Environmental Impact Report (EIR) ensures compliance with CEQA by identifying potential environmental impacts resulting from proposed land use changes, and offering mitigation alternatives. The City will adhere to specific time frames for public notices and hearings as the report is developed.
Public Open House (Feb. 2020)
Attendees were able to visit stations around the Community Center to learn more about what a General Plan is and what new City projects are on the horizon. Importantly, attendees participated in activities at each station to help prioritize various policies related to Land Use, Transportation (Circulation), Conservation, Open Space, and Housing. See below photos to enjoy reliving this fun and informative event!
General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC)
The City convened a key group of volunteer stakeholders to advise the update of the General Plan through more than a dozen workshops and meetings over several year. The GPAC will continue to provide input on the General Plan Update through its finalization. The City would like to thank the GPAC for its participating and guidance over these years!