2040 General Plan Vision Statement
A vision is a statement that reflects local potential and makes a commitment to future action. A vision generally describes what the community wants to be. The vision statement is a clear, succinct, and purposeful statement that everyone generally agrees with and is easily understood to help define the direction in which the plan should proceed.
The vision is developed in the first part of the planning process and helps shape the overall plan. The vision and its related statements help guide the decision-making process and the remainder of the plan. If an idea, policy, or objective would help advance the vision it was included in the plan.
If the idea did not help advance the city towards the vision, then it was not included. The vision not only serves as part of a decision-making tool for the plan, but for the decisions that are made in implementing the plan.
Policymakers and decision makers should always use the vision to help guide whether or not a decision implements the General Plan.
At the first public workshop on January 13th, 2015, participants were asked what they value about The City of Shasta Lake and what they would like to see improved in the future. Areas such as social and economic well-being, physical character, arts and culture, growth standards, and employment were considered.
The City’s General Plan Advisory Committee (GPAC) and planning consultant refined the elements of the vision created during the public workshops. The actual vision statement then began to take shape.